Monday, July 17, 2006

I Found This Appropriate to Repost

Originally posted when Israel started attacking BUT before they went ballistic and started blowing up stuff everywhere.

What I cannot help but notice is how the Lebonese Prime Minister is all of the sudden NOW willing to go after Hezbollah.

See what the threat of death can do?

Regardless, the world doesn't need any more carrots. It needs lots o' sticks.

Hilarious. And cynical. I like their cynicism. As cynicism is usually not cynicism, but reality, it just takes a cynic to realize that. Like their post on April 18th.

Anyway, this cartoon is surely going to be proven wrong as I'm sure we'll be proven right in how we're playing nice with Iran. I mean, cause we're nice, right? I mean, they'll realize we're being nice and understanding, which is why Hitler never invaded Poland or France, because the Allies were so nice and understanding of him before. Maybe if we just gave Iran their equivalent of the Sudetenland they'll comply.

Anyway, visit them if you haven't already. Half thinking about buying some of their auctions.

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